Jagruti Degree & P.G College
College Code: 1105
TS CPGET: Telangana State Common Post Graduate Entrance Tests
A State Level Common Post Graduate Entrance Tests (CPGET) – 2024 are being conducted by Osmania University for admissions into various P.G (M.A., M.Sc., M.Com, etc;) courses, P.G. Diploma courses and 5 years Integrated Programmes ( M.A., M.Sc., M.B.A) offered by Osmania, Kakatiya, Telangana, Mahatma Gandhi, Palamuru, Satavahana, Telangana Mahila Viswavidyalayam and Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Universities for the Academic year 2024-2025.
The Directorate of Admissions, OU was established by the University in the year 2000 with an aim to streamline the process of admissions to various courses offered by the University. The objective of introducing centralized admission is to conduct admissions in a systematic, transparent and student friendly manner. It is in these lines that the Directorate has been carrying out the task of admission process offered by the University and its affiliating institutions since 2000-2001 academic year.
Besides, this office is also carrying out the process of admissions into various courses offered by Telangana, Mahatma Gandhi and Palamuru Universities since their inception. The office of the Directorate of Admissions is headed by Director and supported by the Joint Directors along with other administrative staff. For the first time in the history of Telangana State, on the guidelines of TGCHE a State Level Common Post Graduate Entrance Tests (CPGET)-2019 for admissions into various conventional P.G. (M.A., M.Sc., M.Com., etc.) courses, PG Diploma and
5 year Integrated courses for admissions into Campus, Constituent and Affiliated Colleges of Osmania, Kakatiya, Telangana, Mahatma Gandhi, Palamuru, Satavahana, Telangana Mahila Viswavidyalayam and Jawarharlal Nehru Technological Universities for the academic year 2019-2020 was conducted. The TGCHE entrusted the work of conducting CPGET-2019, CPGET-2020, CPGET-2021 , CPGET-2022 & CPGET-2023 entrance tests by Osmania University and it was successfully completed. This year also the TGCHE has entrusted the work of conducting CPGET-2024 to Directorate of Admissions, Osmania University.