
Telangana ePASS Scholarship Application Process
Online Pre Matric, Post Matric Scholarships disbursements through ePass scholarship application is one of the important welfare measures of the Government of Telangana which is aimed at the educational upliftment of Students, initiated by the Department of Backward Class Welfare. The system links all welfare departments, treasury, Colleges and Banks to disburse pass scholarship. For the full details on the epass Scholarship process Click Here. Look below to see how to apply or check status for epass scholarship.
“Post matric Scholarship Services”
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ePASS Scholarship Eligibility
Income Limit:
The income for SC/ST students was enhanced to Rs.2.00 lakhs per annum (G.O.Ms.No.60 SW(Edn.2) Dept. 27-9-2011) and for BC, EBC/Minorites – Rs 1.50 lakhs in rural and Rs 2.00 lakhs in urban per annum.
Students Eligibility:
Students Eligible :
SC & ST Welfare Students whose annual Family income is Rs. Two Lakhs or below.
BC & EBC and Minority Welfare Students who belongs to rural area their family income should be Rs. One Lakh Fifty Thousand or below.
BC & EBC and Minority Welfare Students who are belongs to Urban area family income should be Rs. Two Lakhs or below.
Disabled Welfare Students whose parental income is Rs. One lakh or below.
EBC students who are selected Under Corporate College Admissions Scheme Eligible for Intermediate courses.
Students whose attendance is 75% at the end of each quarter & Promoted to next academic year for Renewal Students.
Students not Eligible :
Students belonging to the categories other than SC, ST, BC, EBC , Minority and DW(Disabled).
SC,ST Students whose annual family income is more than Rs. Two Lakhs.
BC & EBC and Minority Rural area Students Whose annual family income is more than Rs. One Lakh Fifty Thousand.
BC & EBC and Minority Urban area Students Whose annual family income is more than Rs. Two Lakhs.
Disabled Welfare Students whose family income is more than Rupees One lakh.
All Students who are pursuing the part time courses, online courses & Correspondence courses.
Students admitted under Sponsored seats, Management Quota seats & Spot Admissions.
Students who applied Stipend/Scholorship in any Scheme.
Students of BC, EBC and DW students studying the Courses offered by open universities, distant mode, category B seats in MBBS, BDS.
EBC students studying Intermediate or courses.
Students Persuing same level of courses.
(Govt. Memo No.10537/SW.Edn.2/2011-11, dt:28-09-2012). | ||||
Level of study | EBC/Minority/Disabled as on 1st July of the Academic Year | SC,ST & BC as on 1st July of the Academic Year | ||
Courses Eligibility
Courses Eligible:
Post Matric Courses approved by the concerned University/Board having duration of 1 year and above
• Professional Courses (Degree and PG Courses in Medicine, Engineering, Technology, Management, Agriculture, Veterinary and Allied Sciences, Business Finance, Business administration and Computer Applications/ Science)
• Other professional and technical graduate and PG including (M.Phil, PhD and post doctoral research) level courses not covered in Group-I. all post graduate, graduate level diploma courses.
• Degree courses(not covered in group I & II)
Vocational courses (Intermediate level)
Courses not eligible:
Scholarships are not awarded for training courses like
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer’s Courses
Private Pilot license Courses.
Courses at Pre-examination Training Centers of all India and State levels.
Correspondence courses & One Year Certificate Courses.
Government have issued orders for fixing variable fee for Professional courses as per High Court & Supreme Court directions. As per the orders, variable fee has been fixed by AFRC (Admissions and Fee Regulatory Committee) for private colleges for the professional courses such as B.E / B.Tech / B.Arch / MBA / MCA / M pharmacy /M tech / Pharma D for the block period of three years from 2019-20 to 2021-2022 . With regard to other courses, the fee is being fixed by the regulatory bodies i.e, concerned Universities / Boards from time to time.
(a) All eligible SC, ST & Minority students shall be sanctioned full tuition fee reimbursement regardless of the college and course of study.
(b) Students other than SC, ST & Minority who have studied in Govt, Junior Colleges Govt. Residential Junior Colleges and students sponsored to Corporate Colleges by the Welfare Dept., shall be eligible for full reimbursement of tuition fee.
(c) All eligible students other than SC, ST & Minority who have secured in EAMCET rank of up to 10,000 shall be eligible for full fee reimbursement.
(d) All students other than SC and ST/Minorities who have obtained an integrated rank in the ECET exam up to 1000 rank shall be eligible for full reimbursement.
“Post Matric Scholarship Services” or “Pre Matric Scholarship Services” or “Overseas Scholarship Services”
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Online Pre Matric , Post Matric epass Scholarship disbursements through ePass scholarship application is one of the important welfare measures of the Government of Telangana which is aimed at the educational upliftment of Students, initiated by the Department of Backward Class Welfare. The system links all welfare departments, treasury, Colleges and Banks to disburse epass scholarship.